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Abbreviations used:
bds - boards; emp - employee; h - house; manuf - manufacturer;
prop - proprietor.
The word street is implied.
(Post office address is Nichols, NY unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.)

1887 - 88 Directory of Nichols, NY

Source: Directory of Tioga County, New York 1887-'88 Compiled and Published by W. B. Gay & Co. Syracuse, N.Y.: The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders 1887

To search the following information using a computer please use the following command (Control + F)

Adams, Eliza S. (Hooper's Valley), resident
Adams, Maria, widow Absalom, resident
Adams, Stephen B. (Hooper's Valley), McCormick Harvesting Machine company's
agt. for Tioga county, and farmer 140
Alen, Clarence B. (Owego), farm laborer
Allen, John (Owego), farm laborer
Allen, Robert A., laborer, h Main
Allington, Emily J. (Hooper's Valley), resident
Allington, Sarah H. (Hooper's Valley), widow Rev. Jacob, farm 34
Ames, Lloyd H. (Owego), stationary engineer
Ames, Orley L, Mrs., laundress, h River
Anderson, H. Beecher, hostler, bds. Main
Angell, Benjamin P., retired, h Main
Angell, Charles D. (Hooper's Valley), farmer, leases of Pearsall & Gray 250
Annable, Lovisa, widow, resident
Anthony, Floyd H., groceries and provisions and livery, Main, h do.
Atwood, Harrison, farm laborer
Babcock, Willard, farmer, h Railroad
Babcock, William, laborer, h Main
Baird, Frances C., resident, bds. River
Baker Brothers (W.W. and R.B.), props. Nichols creamery
Baker, Frank B., emp. creamery, bds. Cady ave.
Baker, Robert B. (Baker Bros.), h Cady ave.
Baker, William W. (Baker Bros.), h Cady ave.
Barnes, George W. (Hooper's Valley), farm laborer
Barr, George, farm laborer
Barr, John, farmer 150
Barr, John Jr., farmer
Barr, Lawrence, farm laborer
Barstow, Mary L., resident, bds. River
Barstow, Oliver A. (Hooper's Valley), retired
Baxter, Frederick H., farmer
Beach, Ernest C., miller, bds. Main
Bennett, Abraham (Hooper's Valley), resident
Bennett, Elizabeth, widow Elijah, farm 25
Bensley, Fred (Hooper's Valley), farmer
Bensley, John (Hooper's Valley), school trustee and farmer 200
Bensley, John C. (Hooper's Valley), farmer
Bixby, Charles R., carpenter and builder, h Cady ave.
Bixby, Chester, carpenter, h Main
Bixby, George W., farmer
Bixby, Schuyler, farmer on shares with Jos. Reynolds 130
Bixby, Smith R., contractor and builder, h River
Blair, Linus, farm laborer
Bliven, Cranston, member of school board; also, dealer in produce and
general merchandise, Main, h River
Bliven, Cranston V. S., retired, bds. River
Boardman, Elizabeth P., widow Edward, resident
Bonham, Jonas, retired, h Cady ave.
Booth, Franklin (Hooper's Valley), farmer
Boyce, David M., laboarer, h River
Bradley, Hiram (Tioga Centre), farmer on shares with C. Lounsberry
Bradley, Marcus, farmer on shares with Warren A. Smith 60, h River
Briggs, Ebenezer (E. Nichols), farmer 56
Briggs, Edward W. (E. Nichols), farmer 91 1/2
Briggs, Elihu (E. Nichols), farmer 94
Briggs, Herman I., stock dealer and farmer 87 1/2
Briggs, Ira, farmer 75
Briggs, Julius (E. Nichols), farmer
Briggs, Melvin (E. Nichols) apiarist and farmer
Brott, David (Owego), farmer
Brougham, John W., emp. Harris, DeGroat & Co., h Main
Brown, Elizabeth, widow Peter, resident
Brown, Fanny, widow, h Main
Brown, George, retired, h Oxford
Brown, James M., carpenter
Brown, John W., farmer 6
Brown, S. Otis, farmer 114
Burrell, Isaac, farm laborer, h River
Burrell, Lott S., laborer, bds. River
Butolph, Frank E., farmer 76
Butolph, Leroy, farmer 115
Butolph, Sybil, farm 35
Cady, George M. (Latham & Cady), also physician and surgeon, bds. River
Cady, George P., physician and surgeon, River, h do.
Cady, William, retired, bds. Cady ave. (died July 2, 1887)
Campbell, Amos B. (Owego), cooper and farmer on shares with Charles Dunham 80
Campbell, George W. (Hooper's Valley), laborer
Campbell, Smith, farmer 31
Campion, Frank, teacher and farmer
Carpenter, Allen O., farm laborer, h Cady ave.
Carter, Alexander (East Nichols), farm laborer
Childs, Marcus W., principal of the Union School
Chubbuck, Francis Rev. (Hooper's Valley), retired M.E. clergyman and small
fruit grower
Clair, Hiram (Hooper's Valley), farmer 253
Clair, William H. (Hooper's Valley), farmer with his father Hiram
Clapp, Samuel, lumber dealer and farmer 60, bds. River
Clarke, Howard W., traveling salesman, h Cady ave.
Cogswell, Henry S. (East Nichols), farmer, leases of G. Newman 50
Cole, Horace, farmer
Cole, Truman, farmer 114
Coleman & Horton (E.C. & G.H.H.) hardware, stoves and tinware, Main
Coleman, Emmit (Coleman & Horton), also postmaster, bds. Nichols House
Conant, Edward H., painter, h River
Conant, Luther, boots and shoes, Main, h River
Cortright, Charles F., laborer
Cortright, Elijah, cooper
Cortright, John (Tioga Center), laborer
Coryell, Arthur (Hooper's Valley), farm laborer
Coryell, Augusta, widow Henry P., resident, h Cady Block
Coryell, Emanuel (Hooper's Valley), farmer 65
Coryell, Mary, teacher, bds. Cady Block
Coryell, Robert P., school trustee and farmer 250
Crandall, Charles, farmer on shares with I. Dunham
Crandall, George E. (Tioga Center), farmer
Crandall, William, basket-maker
Cure, Andrew J., farmer
Curkendoll, William, carpenter and small fruit grower
Davenport, Abraham, farm laborer
Davenport, Amelia Mrs. (Hooper's Valley), farm 30
Davenport, Charlotte D., farm 25
Davenport, Ellen (Hooper's Valley), farm 30
Davenport, Ira (Hooper's Valley), farmer
Davenport, Joseph, farmer
Dean, Julia A. (Hooper's Valley), farm 34
Dean, Nathan S., apiarist 30 swarms, fruit grower, and farmer 60
De Bolder, Lawrence, farmer 42
De Bolder, William E., stationary engineer, h Walnut
De Groat, J. Fields (Harris, De Groat & Co.), h Main
De Groat, William (Owego), blacksmith
Derring, Herman, laborer
Doty, Charles H., laborer, bds. Cady ave.
Doty, George W., retired, h Cady ave.
Drake, C. Sidney, clerk, bds. Nichols Hotel
Duncan, James (E. Nicholas), farm laborer
Dunham, Benjamin (Owego), carpenter, and farmer 74
Dunham, Charles (Owego), farmer 100
Dunham, Charles, farmer with his father Samuel
Dunham, Ebenezer, produce dealer, Main, h do.
Dunham, Elemer, E. (Owego), farm laborer
Dunham, Frances J. (Owego), teacher
Dunham, Harriet P. (Owego), widow Anson, resident
Dunham, Harvey W., farmer 135
Dunham, Isaac, farmer 300, and in Penn. 100
Dunham, James (Owego), farmer, leases of John Smith 100
Dunham, Joseph M., farmer
Dunham, Mary E., resident, h Main
Dunham, Melissa S. Miss (Owego), resident
Dunham, Nehemiah (Owego), farmer 50
Dunham, Platt (Owego), farmer 50
Dunham, Platt Jr. (Owego), farmer 114
Dunham, Samuel (Owego), farmer
Dunham, Samuel, farmer 71
Dunham, Sands, farmer
Dunham, Stephen H., farmer 135
Edsall, Benjamin F., carpenter, h Howell
Edsall, Brice P., retired, h Walnut
Edsall, Ida O., widow David, resident, bds. River
Edsall, John R., town clerk, also general merchant and dealer in
agricultural implements, Main, bds. Walnut
Edwards, Ann E. (Hooper's Valley), widow Albertus, resident
Edwards, Cyrus (Hooper's Valley), farm laborer
Ellis, George, farmer
Ellis, George Jr. (Hooper's Valley), carpenter and ferryman
Ellis, Hiram (Hooper's Valley), farmer on shares with S. Kirby estate 67
Ellis, John (Waverly), farmer 15
Ellsworth, Aurelia, widow Francis H., resident, h River
Ellsworth, Elwin F., painter and paper-hanger, bds. River
Ellsworth, Henry N., carpenter, also farmer 31, h Cole
Elsbree, Emily C., widow Manning, resident, h head of Main
Evans, Amanda C. (Tioga Center), widow Cyrus G., farm 52
Evans, Cyrus (Tioga Center), farmer 50
Evans, Edward E., well driver, also agt. for wind-mills, h Walnut
Evans, Elijah K., contractor and builder, and farmer 20
Everitt, Elmore, supervisor, and farmer 38
Everitt, Frederick M., tinsmith, h Main
Everitt, George E., farmer, h Main
Everitt, Harvey C., farmer 50, h Main
Everitt, Hovey E., drug clerk, bds r. 8
Everson, George T. (Owego), farm laborer
Everson, Oliver C. (Owego), farm laborer
Farnham, Oscar E., patentee egg preserving rack, also prop. wood turning
shop, and cider-mill, and farmer 4 1/2
Fenderson, John, prop. Nichols steam flour, saw and planing-mills, h River
Ferris, Horace (Owego), farmer 50
Field, Lucas T. (Hooper's Valley), postmaster
Ford, George, farmer
Forman, John, member of school board, excise commissioner, small fruit
grower, and farmer 200
Forman, Miles, resident, h Main
Forman, Smith, farmer with his father John
Fox, Alfred J., farmer
Fox, Harry, retired
Fox, Isaac D., farmer 25, on shares with F. C. Lowman
Goetchins, Maurice L., farmer
Goodenough, Delos, boots and shoes, Main, h do.
Goodsell, Willam S. (Athens, Pa.), farmer 50, and leases of H. Kiff 70
Goodsell, Zina, farmer 50
Granger, Daniel (Owego), farmer 36
Granger, George M. (Owego), farmer 25
Greene, Joseph G. (Owego), farmer on shares with S. Evans
Griswold, Martha (Waverly), widow Henry, farmer 25
Griswold, Thomas (Waverly), farmer 50
Hamel, Charles E. (Owego), watch repairer
Hamel, Clark (Owego), gardener
Harden, Ida Mrs., dressmaker, off Main
Harden, Samuel W., farmer 26, h off Main
Harris, DeGroat & Co. (O.P.H., J.F. DeG., and R.C.H.), wholesale dealers
and shippers of hay, grain, potatoes and general farm products, Main
Harris, Elizabeth D., widow Nathaniel B., resident, h Main
Harris, Oliver P. (Harris, DeGroat & Co.), Main
Harris, R. Corsa (Harris, DeGroat & Co.), h Main
Hauver, George L. (Owego), farmer, leases of J. Hunt estate 90
Hazard, Lois, widow Dwight, resident
Hazard, Willis W., farm laborer
Herrick, Henry B. (Waverly), farmer 6 1/4
Herrick, William, apiarist 11 swarms, assessor, and farmer on shares with
Julia A. Dean 31
Hill, Abner, farm laborer
Hill, Morris M. (Hooper's Valley), farmer
Hilligass, David (Hooper's Valley), district collector, and farmer 27
Hilligass, Jacob, farmer
Hoover, William (Hooper's Valley), retired
Horton, Betsey, widow Stephen S., h River
Horton, G. Henry (Coleman & Horton), also farmer 300, h River
Howell, Arthur M., farmer
Howell, John J., resident
Howell, John L., retired, h Main
Howell, Robert, geologist, mineralogist, and farmer 127, and in Pennsylvania 20
Hunt, Adonijah (Owego), prop. saw and grist-mill, and farmer 140
Hunt Brothers (Enos and Seth), farmer 60
Hunt, Charles E., clerk, bds. Main
Hunt, Ebenezer, farmer 53
Hunt, Elizabeth (Owego), farm 194
Hunt, Ezra C. (Owego), farmer 110
Hunt, George b. (Owego), farmer with his father Thomas J.
Hunt, John W. (Waverly), farmer 160
Hunt, Julia S. (Owego), widow Jonathan, 2d, farm 40
Hunt, Marcella (Owego), farmer 194
Hunt, Samuel (Waverly), farmer 155
Hunt Sisters (Owego), (E. and M. Hunt), farmer 194
Hunt, Thomas J. (Owego), farmer 188
Hunt, Timothy (Owego), farmer
Hunt, Williston, farmer 115
Hyres, Frances, widow Jerry W., resident, h Main
Ingersoll, George A., member of school board, also stock breeder, and farmer 103
Jansen, Abram (Owego), retired
Johnson, Charles H., farmer 47
Johnson, Eliza J., widow Parley, resident
Johnson, John A., farmer
Johnson, John E., farmer 40
Jones, Charles M., laborer, h Railroad
Jones, Eveline, resident
Jones, Lewis, road commissioner and farmer 100
Joslin, Edward, dry and fancy goods, millinery and wall-paper, Main, h do.
Joslyn, Louisa (Owego), widow Peter, resident
Kane, Michael, laborer, h Cady ave.
Keech, Miles W., mason, carpenter and farmer
Keech, T. Wilber, farmer, leases of his mother Laura 50
Kelso, Harry, cigar-maker
Kennedy, John M., telegraph operator, bds. Main
Kent, Pulaski P. (Owego), farm laborer
Ketcham, Eli G. (Owego), justice of the peace, school trustee and farmer 226
Ketcham, William, butcher, Main, h Walnut
Kirby, Allen B., agent D.L. & W.R.R., also, U.S. express agent, Main cor. Life
Lane, David J. (Owego), apiarist and farmer
Lane, Fred H. (Owego), teacher
Lane, George S. (Tioga Centre) farmer 127
Lane, Harvey P. (Tioga Centre), farmer
Lane, Lucinda (Owego), widow Amos, farm 46
Lane, Warren A. (Owego), school trustee and farmer 47
Laning, Charles P., carpenter, h Howell
LaRue, Isaac L., prop. hotel, Main
Latham & Cady (S.H.L. and G.M.C.), druggists, toilet articles and
confectionary, Main cor. River
Latham, Sidney H. (Latham & Cady), h Main
Lisenby, Charles F., farmer on shares with E. Dunham 240
Lisenby, John, farm laborer
Lollis, William, nurse
Losaw, Daniel, farmer
Lounsberry, Benjamin (Owego), farmer 138
Lounsberry, Frederick (Owego), farmer
Lounsberry, George (Tioga Centre), farmer 100
Lounsberry, George F. (Tioga Centre), farmer 62
Lounsberry, Harriet E. (Tioga Centre), farm 50
Lounsberry, Harriet E. (Tioga Centre), widow James, farm 60
Lounsberry, Horace (Tioga Centre), farmer 241
Lounsberry, Horace, Second (Owego), farmer 70, and with Horace Lounsberry,
First, 241
Lounsberry, James (Tioga Centre), farmer 113
Lounsberry, John (Owego), saw-mill and farmer 159
Lounsberry, Platt (Tioga Centre), retired farmer 28
Lounsbury, William R., excise commissioner and farmer 64
Loveland, Mary A., widow Lewis, laundress, h Main
Loveland, Seth H. (Waverly), saw-mill and carpenter
Lowman, Frederic C., breeder of thoroughbred short-horn cattle and farmer
52; stock for sale at all times
Lunn, William H., farm laborer
Lurcock, Adelbert, farm laborer
Lurcock, Frederick (Tioga Centre), farmer
Lurcock, William, emp. De Groat, Harris & Co., h. Main
Lynch, Wiliam, laborer

The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders 1887 Directory is arranged as follows - Name of individual or firm, post office address in parenthesis if different from name of town, business or occupation, figures placed after the occupation of a farmer indicate the number of acres owned or leased

Mallory, Frederick O. (Owego), farmer, leases of J. Smith, Jr., 50
Mallory, John L. (Owego), local preacher, carpenter, and farmer 35
Mallory, Susan, widow Harrison, resident, bds. Cady ave.
Mallory, William W., barber, Main, h Cady ave.
Marshall, Timothy B., town collector, and farmer 50
Mason, Fritz, gardener, h Main
Matthews, Hiram P., apiarist 25 swarms, small fruit grower, and farmer 113
Matthews, Isaiah, cigar manufacturer, and prop. cider-mill
Matthews, Stephen P. (Owego), retired physician, and farmer 40
Matthews, Susie, widow Ephraim, art teacher, h Cady Block
McNeil, George K., constable and collector, h Main
Measer, Ernest H., farmer 70
Merrill, Albert S., carpenter and builder, h Howell
Mettler, James L. (Waterman & Mettler), h Cady ave.
Mikels, George H., laborer, h Howell
Mikels, J. Henry, farm laborer
Miller, Edmund S., blacksmith, Main, h Oxford
Miller, James, farmer
Miller, William, farmer
Mills, Delavan, farmer 90
Mills, Francis, school trustee, and farmer 140
Mitchell, Ida A., art teacher, h Cady ave.
Mitchell, Mary J., art teacher, h Cady ave.
Mitchell, Sally C., widow Natan, resident, h Cady ave.
Mollet, Betsey (Owego), widow Peter, farm 70
Moody, George, farm laborer
Moody, George H., farmer 45
Moore, Edwin T. (Owego), building mover, and farmer 114
Moore, Frank H. (Owego), farmer
Moore, George, farmer 260
Moore, Ruth A. (Owego), widow Hezelton N., resident
Morey, Robert, farmer
Morse, Frank J., R.R. section hand, bds. Main
Mosher, Edwin, carpenter, h Main
Moulton, Morris B., farmer 12, and 160 in Penn., h Main
Neal, Henry C., farmer 52
Neal, Linus, farmer
Neal, Nehemiah E., furniture dealer and carriage painter, Cady ave., h do.
Newland, Samuel (Owego), carpenter
Newman, George (East Nichols), farmer 200
Nichols Hotel, J. Platt, prop., River
Nichols, James (East Nichols), farmer
Nichols, John E. (East Nichols), prop. threshing machine and farm laborer
Northrop, Charles T. (East Nichols), farmer 25
Olmstead, Joseph, ferryman, h Ferry
Orsburn, Charles (Hooper's Valley), farmer
Orsburn, Miers (Hooper's Valley), farmer 240
Orsburn, MIles (Hooper's Valley, farmer
Osburn, William, retired, h Cady ave.
Paris, Peter, farmer on shares with Ebenezer Hunt 53
Park, Joseph (Waverly), farmer 162
Pearl, Eunice (East Nichols), widow Daniel, farm 103
Pearl, Fred G. (Owego), farmer 50
Pearl, Walter H. (Owego), farmer 25
Pearsall, L. Burr (Hooper's Valley), prop. steam saw-mill and farmer 386,
and in Penn. 300
Peck, William C. Rev. (Hooper's Valley), Free Baptist, retired
Peet, Henry (Owego), farm laborer
Pendleton, Caleb F., foreman Nichols creamery, bds. Cady ave.
Petty, Foster (Hooper's Valley), farmer
Pitcher, Eliza, widow John, resident, h River
Pitcher, Elvira (Owego), widow Heman, farm 125
Pitcher, John (Hooper's Valley), farm laborer
Pitcher, William A., emp. creamery, bds. River
Platt, Frank, clerk Nichols Hotel, River
Platt, John, prop. Nichols Hotel, Main
Presher, Benjamin (Tioga Center), farm laborer
Quilty, Michael, farmer 50
Ratchford, John, miller, bds. Main
Reed, Adeline (Owego), widow Ezra, farm 70
Reeves, Ella, widow George, dressmaker, h River
Reynolds, Albert S., farmer 50
Reynolds, Amanda, widow Vincent, resident
Reynolds, Enoch J., farmer on shares with A. Waterman 80
Reynolds, Isum I., farmer 80, and leases of Miss S. Butolph 35
Reynolds, John E., farmer 170
Reynolds, John S., member of school board, and farmer 160
Reynolds, Joseph, retired farmer
Reynolds, Lester, farm laborer, h Main
Richardson, Ester A. Mrs. (Owego), resident
Robertson, Albert (Owego), farmer 72
Robertson, Charles (Owego), farmer
Robinson, William O., traveling salesman, h Main
Rogers, John H. (Hooper's Valley), farmer
Rogers, Lorenzo, drayman, h River
Roper, Frank H. (Owego), milk dealer, and farmer 54, and 25 in Owego
Ross, Leonard B., cabinet-maker, and undertaker, Main, h River
Russell, Frederick W. (E. Nichols), farmer
Russell, Horace G., farmer with Ulysses G., leases of J. H. Morey 304
Russell, Justin A. (E. Nichols), farmer 75
Russell, Ulysses G., farmer with his brother Horace, leases of J.H. Morey 304
Ryan, Johanna, widow William, resident, bds. River
Sanford, Jay (Owego), farmer 100
Scott, Alonzo J., laborer, bds. Cady ave.
Scott, David C., farm laborer, h Cady ave.
Scott, Ella F., dressmaker, bds. Cady ave.
Scott, George B., emp. DeGroat, Harris & Co., h Main
Scott, Libbie M., dressmaker, bds. Cady ave.
Scott, Perry L., laborer, bds. Cady ave.
Searles, Aaron P. (E. Nichols), farmer
Sears, Charles (Owego), farmer on shares with L.H. Pitcher 105
Sears, David (Owego), farmer on shares with Ezra Hunt 110
Sears, Spencer (Owego), farmer
Seymoure, Herrick H. (Owego), farmer 170
Sharp, Charles, laborer, h Railroad
Sharp, Rufus G., miller
Sherwood, Casper I., general merchant, Main, h River
Sherwood, Silas, poor-master, and farmer 68 1/2
Sherwood, Thomas B. (Tioga Center), farmer on shares with Mrs. Amanda Evans 52
Sherwood, Wesley W. (Tioga Center), apiarist, and blacksmith
Shipman, Edmund, farmer 6
Shipman, Selem, laborer
Shoemaker, Edgar, farmer 97
Shoemaker, Horace A., farmer
Shoemaker, Lyman H., harnessmaker, Main, h do.
Shoemaker, William R., farmer 180
Sibley, Herbert L. (Owego), farmer, leases of S. Sibley 125
Sibley, John G. (E. Nichols), farmer 150
Sibley, Samuel (Owego), retired farmer
Sibley, William H. (E. Nichols), farmer with his father John
Sisk, Harriet, widow John, resident
Sisson, Wheeler (Hooper's Valley), farm laborer
Smith, Charles H. (Owego), farmer 80
Smith, Charles O. (Owego), farmer 90
Smith, Harvey R. (Owego), farmer 100
Smith, Jane B. (Hooper's Valley), widow Washington, farm 120
Smith, Jay L. (Owego), farmer
Smith, John (Owego), resident
Smith, John Jr. (Owego), milk dealer, and farmer 230
Smith, Oliver P. (Hooper's Valley), blacksmith
Smith, Samuel B., retired
Smith Sisters (Catharine E. and Phebe A.) farm 120
Smith, Warren A., justice of the peace, deputy postmaster, and farmer
Stanton, Eben, farmer on shares with Z. Goodsell 100
Stanton, Frank E., farmer with his father Eben
Stauff, Elizabeth (Hooper's Valley), farm 50
Stauff, Frederick (Hooper's Valley), farm laborer
Stauff, George C. (Hooper's Valley), farmer
Stauff, Henry (Hooper's Valley), farm laborer
Steen, Benjamin (Owego), farm laborer
Steward, Charles B. (Hooper's Valley), farmer with his father Jacob
Steward, Franklin P. (Hooper's Valley), farmer
Steward, Jacob (Hooper's Valley), farmer 145
Steward, Thaddeus (Hooper's Valley), small fruit grower, and farmer 97
Steward, Thaddus J. (Hooper's Valley), farmer
Strong, Sadie, clerk, bds. Main
Sullivan, Dennis O., mason, h Cady ave.
Sullivan, John, farm laborer, h River
Sullivan, J. Whitmore, emp. E. Dunham, bds. River
Taylor, Lucretia, widow Stephen R., resident, h Howell
Thorn, Warren (Owego), farmer on shares with James Nelson Jr. 75
Townsend, James (Owego), farm laborer
Tripp, Seymour C., watch repairer and jeweler, Main, h at Smithboro
Turner, G.M. Dallas, carpenter and joiner, h Cole
Turner, Harvey, wagon-maker, off Main, h Walnut
Turner, Jacob, mail carrier, bds. Walnut
Van Demark, Charles, farmer, h River
Van Demark, Emma Mrs., milliner, bds. Main
Van Dermark, Beniah, farm laborer
Van Dermark, Josiah (Hooper's Valley), farmer 9
Van Deusen, Ella G., teacher, bds. Main
Van Deusen, H. Newton Rev., pastor M.E. church, h Main
Van Gorder, Aaron (Hooper's Valley), farmer 30
Van Gorder, Allen (Hooper's Valley), varmer 126
Van Gorder, Edward S., sawyer
Van Gorder, Esther, widow Enos, resident
Van Gorder, George, farmer
Van Gorder, John (Waverly), farm laborer
Vannatta, William (Owego), farm laborer
Van Ness, Belle H. Mrs., groceries and provisions, Main, h Cady ave.
Van Ness, Elias, manager of store for Mrs. B.H. Van Ness, h Cady ave.
Van Ness, John H., farmer, leases of Jos. Olmstead 150
Van Ness, Myron (Hooper's Valley), farmer 150
Van Ness, William W., shoemaker, Main, h River
Van Norstran, Andrew L., traveling salesman, h River
Van Norstran, Dora, teacher, bds. River
Verguson, Israel (Owego), farmer
Verguson, Phoebe M. (Owego), widow L. Nelson, resident
Vincent, Oliver L., laborer
Wait, Austin D. (Owego), farmer 86
Wait, George A. (Owego), farmer 75, and leases in Penn. 50
Wait, Jefferson (E. Nichols), farmer
Wait, Joseph (E. Nichols), farmer 25
Walker, Aaron (Owego), farm laborer
Walker, Eliot(Owego), farm laborer
Ward, Mahala (E. Nichols), widow Abraham B., farmer 42
Warner, Jane (Hooper's Valley), widow Frederick, resident
Warner, Sarah, widow Oscar T., h Walnut
Warwick, Laura D., widow William, h Cady ave.
Washburn, Henry H., retired farmer
Washburn, John H. (Hooper's Valley), farmer 50
Washburn, Joshua, farmer 40
Waterman & Metler, blacksmith, Main
Waterman, Abraham (Hooper's Valley), farm laborer
Waterman, Alonzo C., apiarist 20 swarms, and farmer 80
Waterman, Benjamin M. (Waterman & Mettler), h Main
Waterman, Charles (Hooper's Valley), farm laborer
Waterman, Charles H., blacksmith
Waterman, James H., carpenter
Waterman, John G., blacksmith
Waterman, Thomas (Hooper's Valley), farmer on shares with M. Van Ness 160
Waterman, Walter S., meat-market, Main, h do.
Webb, Vestus R. (Waverly), laborer
Webber, Andrewson A. (Hooper's Valley), farm laborer
Welch, John F., R.R. section foreman, h River
Wells, Charles S., painter, bds. River
Westbrook, Levi, cigars and fruit, Main, h River
Wheeler, Charles J., laborer
Whipple, Andrew G. (Owego), school trustee and farmer 179
White, Anson (East Nichols), farmer 50
White, Carrie H. (East Nichols), teacher
White, Charles L. (East Nichols), farmer with his father Henry
White, Daniel (East Nichols), farmer 100
White, Elizabeth A. (East Nichols), widow Enoch, postmistress, and farm 30
White, Frank P., farmer with his father Platt White
White, George (East Nichols), school trustee and farmer 60
White, Harriet, widow Lyman, resident
White, Hattie C. (East Nichols), teacher
White, Henry (East Nichols), farmer 185
White, J. Lawrence (Owego), overseer of the poor and farmer 128
White, Joseph W. (East Nichols), assessor and farmer 168
White, Leonard, farmer 71
White, Myron P. (East Nichols), farmer 50
White, Perry F. (Owego), farmer on shares with Rachel Newland 40
White, Perry H. (East Nichols), farmer 100
White, Platt, farmer 80
White, Samuel H. (East Nichols), school trustee and farmer
White, Wellington, farmer 125
White, William (East Nichols), farmer 140
White, William W. (Owego), assessor, apiarist 32 swarms and farmer 175
Whiting, Edward I. (Owego), farmer 26
Wickham, Albert (Owego), farmer on shares with H.H. Seymour 170
Wiggins, Absalom J., emp. DeGroat & Harris, h Cady ave.
Wiggins, Cloid B., contractor and builder
Wiggins, George, carpenter and millwright
Wiggins, Silas, gardener, h Cole
Wilber, David (Owego), farmer 25
Wilber, Horace (Owego), farmer
Wilbur, Spencer (Owego), farmer on shares with Mrs. E. Pitcher 125
Williams, George, laborer, bds. Main
Williams, George F., barber, Main, h do.
Williams, Harry G., barber, bds. Main
Williams, Squire L., laborer
Williams, Stephen, stone-mason
Wilson, James M., M.D., Rev., pastor Presbyterian church, h Cady ave.
Wilson, James P., medical student, bds. Cady ave.
Wilson, John, farm laborer
Wilson, Louisa, widow George, laundress, h Main
Wiswell, Leon O., teacher, h Cady ave.
Witty, Kate (Owego), widow Thomas, resident
Wood, Allen (Owego), farmer 50
Wood, Charles O., farmer 16
Woodard, Thaddeus (Waverly), farm laborer
Woodruff, Joseph J. (East Nichols), farmer, leases of W. White 93
Wright, Caleb, prop. Dunham's mill
Wright, James (Owego), farm laborer
Wright, Nancy W., carpet-weaver
Yarrington, James (Owego), farm laborer
Young, O. Warren (Owego), school trustee and farmer 90

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